To kick off our Wanderlust Story Writing Competition, this week’s #PassionPassport Twitter Chat will be about Travel Writing. While photography can quickly transport you to a faraway place, travel writing has the ability to immerse the reader in a foreign culture like few other mediums can.
Whether its adventure travel stories from Patagonia or historical tours of Europe, tales of modern day China or ancient Greece, good writing can emulate that multi-dimensional exposure that real travel gives you. Our chat will focus on the craft of Travel Writing: how people write, what they write about, and whether the travel shapes the writing or vice versa.
Our co-hosts for the chat are Amanda Williams (@DangerousBiz), Tiny Atlas Quarterly (@TinyAtlasQtrly), and Jerome Shaw (@TwavelTweeter)! Join us at 1PM EST on Wednesday, July 23rd for the chat by tagging your tweets with #passionpassport!