How can you grasp a moment in travel, and make it more than fleeting? Some of us adjust the lens and click the shutter, hoping to capture forever something that is momentary. Some of us scribble furiously, in the middle of the street or the quiet hours of night or morning, to make that moment last in our own words. And some of us… we bring a little piece of that place back with us. Whether in the form of a handmade treasure or a pile of ticket stubs, a travel “token” (as we’re calling it) can be one of the most special reminders of a cherished trip. This week, we want you to look at your shelves, go through your shoeboxes, and find the tokens that hold the most significance from your travels.
This Thursday, May 5 at 2pm ET, join us and our friends at Artifact Uprising, who are committed to making memories tangible. You can share the stories of the tokens you’ve brought home, see what little marvels others have latched onto, and get ideas for your next venture!
If you are unavailable during the chat time but would still like to participate, feel free to schedule your tweets according to the times listed below:
Q1 – 2:00pm EST
How do you like to memorialize your travels in physical form? (Photos, writing, objects, etc.?)
Q2 – 2:06pm EST
Tell us about a treasured travel token. Where did you get it? Why is it so special?
Q3 – 2:12pm EST
Do you tend to end a trip laden with mementos, or bursting with memories?
Q4 – 2:18pm EST
What’s the strangest souvenir you’ve brought back from a trip? How did you come across it?
Q5 – 2:24pm EST
We’ve all been here: have you ever lost or damaged a special travel token? What was it?
Q6 – 2:30pm EST
Is there an object in your family, or circle of friends, with some travel significance? Share its photo & story!
Q7 – 2:36pm EST
Which place from your past travels do you wish you had brought something back from? Why?
Q8 – 2:42pm EST
In spite of it all, some tokens aren’t tangible. What person, moment, etc. from your travels do you hold dear?
Q9 – 2:48pm EST
The big one: why are physical reminders of travel special for you, as opposed to the experience?
Q10 – 2:55pm EST
What destination do you have your eyes on? What memento do you think you might bring back from there?