These days, our world allows many people access to a camera, whether it be a DSLR or your smartphone, and it naturally follows that we would document our travels with photography. We ourselves at Passion Passport started with a mission to inspire people to travel, all through the storytelling that photography provides. In this week’s chat, we want to get back to our roots and ask: what makes an amazing travel image? What does it take to inspire you?
Join us this Thursday, May 19 at 2pm ET as we chat about why we create inspiring travel images, share our favorite photos, and maybe even pick up some tips!
If you are unavailable during the chat time but would still like to participate, feel free to schedule your tweets according to the times listed below:
Q1 – 2:00pm EST
Travel photos have the power to transport the viewer. Share a favorite travel image from a recent trip. Where were you and why is it special?
Q2 – 2:06pm EST
What do you think makes a travel photo exceptional? Share an example of one of your favorite shots — yours or someone else’s you admire!
Q3 – 2:12pm EST
Everyone loves a good landscape image! Share one of your favorites — what sets it apart for you?
Q4 – 2:18pm EST
Travel portraiture can give a viewer a glimpse into what local life is like abroad. What are some of the traits that make a powerful portrait?
Q5 – 2:24pm EST
They say the best type of camera is one you always have with you. What do you shoot with and why?
Q6 – 2:30pm EST
When traveling, what’s your favorite time of the day to shoot? Why? Share an image from that moment.
Q7 – 2:36pm EST
What’s the best advice you’ve received for finding your travel photo style? Can you share a tip of your own?
Q8 – 2:42pm EST
What’s your favorite way to share your travel images after your journey is over?
Q9 – 2:48pm EST
What location in your travels has yielded the most unique and moving photos? Why was it special?
Q10 – 2:55pm EST
Take a look through the viewfinder — what’s your next dream destination to go photograph?