Camera on map, twitter chat promo image
Photo by Community Member @rubirroja

Last week, we chatted about mobile photography and how it gives us an incredible ability to connect, share photos, and tell stories in real time, all around the world. This week, we want to take that theme one more step. How has this instantaneous ability to share a story changed what stories we tell?

The advantages are obvious: crises can get rapid attention, inspiring tales can spread like never before, and we are all more informed because of it. And from this explosion of storytellers and platforms has come an emphasis on crafting those stories more intentionally. Individual social media posts can completely encapsulate a moment and people are getting more and more skilled at doing that. At the same time, others are stringing those moments together and allowing us to follow along as the story develops. Still others are curating these narratives in unique and exciting ways and giving outlets to innovative storytellers. Join us on Thursday, June 18th at 2pm EST as we chat about how social and digital media have altered and enhanced the ways we can communicate our adventures.

We are joined by some incredible co-hosts who are leading this charge:

Boat Magazine: A nomadic travel and culture publication that focuses on a different city for each issue.
Steller: A social media platform that allows you to beautifully tell stories through photos, video, and text.
Maptia: A digital publication featuring a world of stories.


If you are unavailable during the twitter chat time but would still like to participate, please schedule your responses according to the times listed below:

2:00pm EST
Q1: Welcome to this week’s #PassionPassport chat: The State of Travel Storytelling. Where are you joining us from?

2:05pm EST
Q2: What is your favorite way to keep up with travel stories from around the world?

2:13pm EST
Q3: Do you think storytelling is thriving due to the platforms we have access to?

2:21pm EST
Q4: What is one medium or platform you want to master? Why?

2:29pm EST
Q5: What makes a travel story compelling to you today? Who is doing it best?

2:37pm EST
Q6: If you could tell one story about anywhere in the world, what would it be and how would you share it?

2:45pm EST
Q7: How do you think people will be telling their travel stories 5 years from now?

2:53pm EST
Q8: Show us your work! Share a link to a recent article or photo set that you’ve done. #passionpassport