Above you, sky; below you, sea — and nothing else for miles. Islands are a special kind of place, tucked away from the rest of the world, a microcosm in themselves. We get to know the towns, the rock lines shielded from view, and it seems as though there is nothing else. In this week’s chat, we want to hear about your favorite getaways and the moments spent offshore that you hold dear.
Join us this Thursday, May 12 at 2pm ET, to push off from the mainland, share your favorite island recollections, and gather some intel for your next trip!
If you are unavailable during the chat time but would still like to participate, feel free to schedule your tweets according to the times listed below:
Q1 – 2:00pm EST
Share a photo from your favorite island trip. Where were you? What made that island special?
Q2 – 2:06pm EST
Do you have a tradition of island traveling? If not, where might you start one?
Q3 – 2:12pm EST
Islands are known for close communities. Tell us about someone you met on an island — why do you remember them?
Q4 – 2:18pm EST
Romance, relaxation, adventure — what’s your biggest draw to an island trip?
Q5 – 2:24pm EST
Which island have you been to with a deep sense of history or cultural pride? Can you give an example?
Q6 – 2:30pm EST
What island meal can you not forget? Share a photo if you can!
Q7 – 2:36pm EST
Ever stumbled across a hidden or unknown spot on an island? Share a photo!
Q8 – 2:42pm EST
What island in the world have you always wanted to explore? Why?
Q9 – 2:48pm EST
What one tip would you give for budgeting on an island trip?
Q10 – 2:55pm EST
What do you think sets islands apart from other travel locations? Be specific!