For the team here at Passion Passport, the driving force behind a lot of our travels is education. Whether it’s language skills, cultural awareness, or historical perspectives, learning takes place in the classroom and on the sidewalk. You can learn new vocabulary while ordering dinner in a restaurant, and you can learn a lot about the personality of a city simply by walking its streets. Where have you gone that has taught you something? What do you take away from traveling, and what spurs you on to the next trip?
Our twitter chat this week focuses on what we’ve learned abroad, whether its about the place we visit or about ourselves. We want to hear what you’ve learned on a study abroad program, learning a new language, taking a job in a foreign city, or on any of your adventures.
Join us on Wednesday, September 17th at 1PM EST for our chat on all things education and travel. If you are unable to join the chat at 1PM EST on Wednesday, you can schedule your tweets according to the times listed below.
Q1 1:00 PM – Have you studied abroad? Where? If not, where would you go?
Q2 1:08 PM – What do you do to learn about a new culture before you go and when you arrive?
Q3 1:16 PM – How do you assimilate into a new culture? Any tips or tricks?
Q4 1:24 PM – What was one unexpected thing you learned traveling abroad?
Q5 1:32 PM – What was your most transformative experience while abroad? What did you learn?
Q6 1:40 PM – What personal/professional/creative connections have happened because of your experiences abroad?
Q7 1:48 PM – How did you meet locals and expand your abroad experiences beyond the university?
Q8 1:55 PM – What’s your favorite study abroad story? (If you’ve published it, share the link!)