Featured photo by: @josephowen

As community of travelers and documentarians, we all have our own special packing tricks, first stops in a new destination, and ways of keeping our memories. For this week’s Instagram challenge, we’re asking what you do…in other words, “What are your #PPTravelRituals?”

Before departing, maybe you look up “Where’s the bathroom?” in the native tongue or research the best foodstops. While there, maybe you have a tradition of sending your sibling a postcard or visiting the local library. Once home, perhaps you compare notes with the person next to you on the plane or put together a scrapbook.

Whatever you do, guest judges @insearchofperfect, @livelikeitsthewknd, and @planesncolada are looking forward to learning about your travel traditions, quirks, and compulsions; so head to their feeds for inspiration, and follow the instructions below for a chance to be featured:


  1. Post as many photos/videos relating to the theme as you like between Tuesday, February 21st and 11:59pm EST on Saturday, February 25th;
  2. Mention @passionpassport and #PPTravelRituals in your caption (if in the comments, we may miss it);
  3. Include a brief write-up (3-5 sentences) in your caption telling us about your oldest, quirkiest travel habits; and
  4. Stay tuned for the winner and honorable mentions to be announced Monday, February 27th on our Instagram feed based on guest judges’ scoring of Quality of Image, Quality of Caption, and Creativity/Interpretation of the Theme.

*NOTE: Entries must be posted or re-posted from a public account during the challenge period. You cannot simply ‘tag’ an older photo/video. Those posted from private accounts and/or posted outside of the challenge period will NOT be considered eligible.

Sample Entry:

Maps and Passport with Coffee and Magnifying Glass
Photo by: @dy_ellie

I bring maps back home with me from every trip I make, and collect them in an old wooden wine box. They’re full of marks; pins; and notes, crumbled, torn, or stained with coffee.
/ @passionpassport #PPTravelRituals



Reach out to our IG Manager Elliot Vernon at elliot@transfer.passionpassport.com with any questions.