Thanks to all who participated in our Instagram Challenge #PPCulturalMoment with Andaz this week! We loved reading about your cultural experiences with entries from Benin to Myanmar.
Congratulations to our first potential grand-prize winner @zimzam44 who will receive a $500 Hyatt gift card and whose photo and caption are below:
“A side-of-the-road sight that took my breath away in Benin. We pulled over, and these friendly women let us take turns trying to walk with their baskets balanced on our heads. What a laugh we gave them!”
Congratulations to our second potential grand-prize winner @stolenti who will receive a $500 Hyatt gift card and whose photo and caption are below:
“Naps during the workday in history-rich and culture-filled settings. Local’s respite at the Musée Rosin.”
Congratulations to our third potential grand-prize winner @conor.a who will receive a $500 Hyatt gift card and whose photo and caption are below:
“Being in the presence of such a magnificent sight like Manhattan is something I hope everyone gets to experience in their lifetime. I caught a few strangers having their own special moment with New York while I captured mine.”