We teamed up with @ottawatourism for this week’s Instagram challenge #PPVisitOttawa to send one potential winner and a friend to experience Canada’s capital city. We asked you to share your favorite, most special summer travel memories with guest judges @dudelum, @punkodelish, and @veeceecheng. It was a pleasure reading about and viewing your entries – from China to Colombia – so thanks to all who participated!
Congratulations to this week’s honorable mentions (left to right, starting top-left): @applel0v3r, @kristian22, @brianfulda, @globecalledhome, @thetravelpost, @alex_in_ny, @prudenciocenter, @jeezluis20, and @k_mao.
Congratulations to this week’s potential winner @andrewchak who will be heading to Ottawa and whose photo and write-up are below:
Space. Scale. Grandeur. These are words often reserved for buildings of significance. In Madrid, it’s a train station. We could only marvel at a seemingly innocuous stop and accept our label as tourists insisting on taking a photo of this beautiful space.
We hope to explore the magnificence of Ottawa’s Parliament Buildings where we’ll admire their space, their scale, and their grandeur. We’ll mark the time with the changing of the guard and lie upon the grass as we wait to be awestruck by the evening sounds and light show.