Made of adventurers, explorers, and travelers, we know our community has its share of hideaway spots and special vistas. This week we asked you to give us a peek and share as part of our #PPHiddenGems Instagram challenge (no geotags necessary)!
Thanks to all who participated with a special thanks to our guest judges @chaseblood and @srt4shawn!
Congratulations to our Instagram challenge honorable mentions (moving left to right, starting top-left): @lochness47, @katemonster92, @melissaoldersma, @_madickey_, @jacobjguy, @jeffparkesphoto, @lovedeathtravel, @stevensonam, and @nisamson. Make sure to visit their individual feeds for their full write-ups!
Congratulations to our Instagram challenge potential winner @themissinglinka who will receive a 16×16 inch canvas print and whose entry is below:

Hoi An, Vietnam
The sweetest moments traveling can come while waiting for transport or during a mishap. My bicycle got a flat here, so while my boyfriend took off to fix it; I wandered around. Watching these boys fish reminded me of my own childhood and got me to thinking about how many children are losing out on a wild upbringing by sitting inside and staring at screens.
Traveling reminds me that kids need to be kids!
Stay tuned for our next Instagram challenge coming soon!