PPexploremore Passion Passport Instagram Challenge with Zeal Optics Photo 3

The summer is winding down, but that doesn’t mean your sense of adventure should be winding down too! This week we’re teaming up with Zeal Optics! The theme for our Instagram photo challenge for the week of August 25th: #ppexploremore!

Think of creative and unique ways to showcase your spirit of adventure and curiosity in photo or video: share a moment you lost track of time you were so entranced in a new place, a moment you were so intrigued by a spot on the side of the road you had to pull over, or a moment you dragged a friend along to finally adventure into that abandoned house (but don’t tell us about trespassing)!

Don’t forget to tell us about your entry and what makes it special or memorable (note that the winner always has a write-up for their photo).

Three winners will each receive a pair of sunglasses from select styles, and nine honorable mentions will each receive vouchers for 50% off. 


1) Post a photo or video that fits this week’s theme. Tag @passionpassport and #PPexploremore in your first caption so that we don’t miss your entry. Note that you cannot simply ‘tag’ an older photo or video — you must post or re-post your entry during the challenge period.

2) Submit as many entries as you like between Monday, August 25th and Sunday, August 31st at noon PST.

3) Include a short blurb about what was significant about your photo or video (check out the previous challenge winners for examples here).

4) Winners and honorable mentions will be announced on Sunday, August 31st here on PassionPassport.com.