Even as travel becomes easier and faster — or perhaps because of that — another form of travel is emerging, one that brings the go-go-go of contemporary travel to a screeching halt. Slow Travel is an emerging approach to travel that focuses on getting to know a destination, rather than seeing it in a whirlwind. It is marked not only by the actual amount of time spent in any given place, but one’s priorities there — local specialties and hidden spots that a shorter stay might not offer.
This week, we want to change the pace of our #PassionPassport Twitter chat, and talk about our experiences traveling at a more relaxed clip. We want to know what exactly makes this approach to travel so appealing, what places are best experienced slowly, and how you think Slow Travel might grow in the coming years!
This Thursday 7/30 at 2pm EST, we’ll be joined by co-hosts who are putting on the brakes in their approach to travel:
Valerie & Valise (@valerie_valise): solo travel blogger and adventurer
Dale & Franca of AngloItalian (@ai_followus): taking a slow & vegan approach to world travel
If you will be unavailable during the chat time but would still like to participate, please schedule your responses according to the schedule below:
Q1 – 2:00pm EST
Welcome to our #PassionPassport chat on #SlowTravel! Where are you joining us from?
Q2 – 2:05pm EST
Tell us what slow travel means to you. Have you done it before?
Q3 – 2:10pm EST
Share a recent slow travel experience. How did the pacing make it special?
Q4 – 2:15pm EST
How long have you travelled in one place (without living there)?
Q5 – 2:20pm EST
Is there something you seek out while traveling to help you slow down? (A good meal, a beach, etc.)
Q6 – 2:25pm EST
What is your ideal slow travel destination? Why?
Q7 – 2:30pm EST
Any tools that make slow travel easier for you? Rituals, apps, etc.?
Q8 – 2:35pm EST
What do you think is slow travel’s greatest benefit? Greatest drawback?
Q9 – 2:40pm EST
Whose experience has inspired you to travel more slowly? Link us!
Q10 – 2:45pm EST
What could improve your ability to slow travel in the future? Be specific!
Q11 – 2:50pm EST
As travel becomes more shareable, what do you think is the importance of slow travel?
Q12 – 2:55pm EST
How do you think slow travel might evolve over the next decade?