The thought of traveling with nothing more than a bag on your back might be a scary thought for some, but for others, the idea is exhilarating! You are free to do whatever you want, whenever you want and with whoever you want. Let us know if you love or loathe the backpacking experience. We want to hear about the adventures you’ve had, the lessons you learned and the people you met along the way!
This Thursday, August 10th at 2pm EST, join us, @lonelyplanetusa, @iamvagabond, @georgeBTurner, @anjuliglobal and the Passion Passport community to chat about Backpacking! Make sure to tag us in your tweets with #PassionPassport.
If you are unavailable during the chat time but would still like to participate, feel free to schedule your tweets according to the times listed below:
Q1 – 2:00pm EST
Welcome to the chat! Where was your first backpacking adventure?
Q2 – 2:05pm EST
What motivates you to backpack? Share a pic!
Q3 – 2:15pm EST
What 3 things are always in your backpack wherever you travel?
Q4 – 2:25pm EST
When backpacking, do you prefer to stay in hostels, at friends’ homes, or to use @couchsurfing?
Q5 – 2:30pm EST
What’s your favorite bag to backpack with and why?
Q6 – 2:35pm EST
Share a memorable friendship you’ve made on a backpacking adventure!
Q7 – 2:40pm EST
What’s your trick for keeping life organized and comfortable when living out of a bag?
Q8 – 2:50 pm EST
What’s your favorite backpacking story? (If you’ve published it, share the link!)
Body image by Paul Gilmore / Header image by Alexandre Godreau.