Chris Hill’s story began in an attic.
Above his childhood bedroom in his parents’ home, Chris built his own darkroom. This was a place where he could process negatives from his 35mm camera, a place where he could retreat and dream.
The camera was gift for his 16th birthday, which prompted Chris to walk the streets of Belfast, Northern Ireland, with his new gift, snapping black and white photographs of his surroundings before heading home to dunk the film into his developing drum.
These were his beginnings.
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Fast forward roughly four decades, and the veteran photographer now features companies like Failte Ireland and Tourism Ireland on his resume. His work has been shared around the globe, and last summer it was featured in a 10-page spread in National Geographic France — something he’s proud of, as it reminds him of opening up those yellow magazines that belonged to his father when he was younger.
Today, the pictures Chris is known for beautifully frame the country he has always loved, the place where, he says, “Land, sea, and sky collide to a stunning effect.” And there’s no denying how his images vibrate with that Irish green, capturing its collision with coastlines and cliffs, each one with a different sky overhead.
For the viewer, his pictures are timeless. They tell the story of the land, a story that will let Chris be remembered just as he wants to be: “An Irishman who loved his country, loved the Irish scenery, and wanted to share it with as many people as possible.”