Our community is full of people that have traveled to the far ends of the world, on trips that few other people will ever have the chance to take. But our community is also made up of people that have begun their traveling lives with some of the more common trips that remain a right of passage. One of those trips is the weeks-long backpacking trip through Europe.
Whether you did it as a recent college graduate, on a gap year, or as a hiatus from the rest of your life, millions of us have the shared experience of sleeping on trains, carrying our lives on our backs, and taking in some of the most significant cultural landmarks our world has to offer.
What happened to you when you backpacked through Europe? What happened when you came home? We want to hear your stories on Wednesday, August 6th at 1PM EST during our Twitter chat with co-hosts Becki Enright, Christine Amorose, @visitportugal, and @visitestonia.
Here are the questions from the chat:
1:07PM Q1 Where are your favorite cities in Europe to backpack? #passionpassport
1:14PM Q2 What 3 things are always in your bag wherever you travel? #passionpassport
1:21PM Q3 When backpacking, do you prefer to stay in hostels, at friends’ homes, or to use @couchsurfing? #passionpassport
1:28PM Q4 What’s your favorite bag to backpack with and why? #passionpassport
1:35PM Q5 What features does your dream travel bag have? #passionpassport
1:42PM Q6 Do you leave room in your bag for souvenirs and purchases? #passionpassport
1:49PM Q7 What’s your trick for keeping life organized and comfortable when living out of a bag? #passionpassport
1:55PM Q8 What’s your favorite backpacking story? (If you’ve published it, share the link!) #passionpassport