Passion Passport Twitter Chat promo photo, vespa near church by tinapix
Photo by Community Member @TianaPix

Passion Passport’s weekly twitter chat examines travel from many different angles. This week, join us at 1PM EST on Wednesday, October 22 as we talk about how taking time to travel can help us become rejuvenated. This week’s chat is “Destination: Priorities.”

What is that glow, or that bounce in the step, the people have just after they’ve returned from a trip? Whether it is a college student returning from a summer volunteering in a disadvantaged country or a seasoned member of the work force getting back from a sabbatical, there is usually a change about people after they return from taking weeks, or months, off to travel. A different perspective on what they want, perhaps, or maybe a new interest has developed.

We want to hear your stories about how taking time to travel has affected you, whether it was a semester abroad or the Peace Corps, a gap year or a walkabout. Did you find a new passion, a new love, or a new career? And did you know what you were looking for when you left? Join our chat, co-hosted by @BorderFreeProductions and @BckPackerBanter, on Wednesday at 1PM EST to hear stories from all around the Passion Passport community.


If you will be unavailable during the chat, but would still like to participate, you can schedule your tweets according to the times below:



1:00PM EST   Q1: Welcome to this week’s #passionpassport Twitter Chat! Please introduce yourself and let us know where you’re tweeting from today.

1:06PM EST   Q2: Do you think travel can help you “find yourself” or find your purpose? #passionpassport

1:14PM EST    Q3: A show of hands: who has found their passion, career, or craft while traveling? #passionpassport

1:22PM EST    Q4: Has a trip ever been a catalyst for a major change or transition in your life? #passionpassport

1:30PM EST    Q5: How do you feel travel helps you see things at home more clearly? #passionpassport

1:38 PM EST   Q6: Tomorrow you’re heading out on a trip to find a new sense of purpose. Where are you going? #passionpassport

1:46 PM EST   Q7: When you set out on a long trip looking for a change in your life, what is it you are hoping to find? #passionpassport

1:54 PM EST   Q8: Have you written about the way travel changed your life’s path? Share the link with us! #passionpassport